
Memento Mori Photography


Memento Mori - Remember that you will die. Some see this as dark or depressing but remembering that we are fleeting moments in the grand story of humanity can give us pause. In that pause we can find the beauty of the moment and let the flame of our own personal existence burn all the brighter. Death is inevitable but life is right here, right now. “Be here now, Now be here” ~ Ram Das


Memento Mori - Remember that you will die. Some see this as dark or depressing but remembering that we are fleeting moments in the grand story of humanity can give us pause. In that pause we can find the beauty of the moment and let the flame of our own personal existence burn all the brighter. Death is inevitable but life is right here, right now. “Be here now, Now be here” ~ Ram Das
All the photos on this site are my original photos, please contact me before using. Thanks.